Sunday, October 26, 2014

Christmas Tag with Stars and Snow flakes

My favourite time of year for scrapping is approaching fast - I have started this years Christmas cards! I have used Marianne dies for the stars, love these dies! I used a little bit of glitter on the edges of the blue star to give it a bit of a shine, but it doesn't show up that well in the pictures.  The cute angel embellishment is from Korthobby. I used a bit of white on the edges of the card to give it a softer look.

I would like to enter these challenges:
Country View Challenges -  Sparkle and shine
Crafty Calendar - Sparkle, dies, blue
Hobbygarasjen - Jul i Oktober
Nordsalten Hobbyklubb - Resirkulering
(Bjelle og bånd er resirkulert fra fjorårets julekalender. 
Alle papirene er restepapir fra fjorårets julekortprodukjon)
Ruby's Rainbow - Use your freebies/prizes
(The angel embellishment is a price from Korthobby)
Scribble and Scrap - Anything goes
Simon Says - Anything goes

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Tutorial for trifold shutter card

A quick tutorial on the dimensions for a trifold shutter card:

How it could look like once it's all done:

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Folding card - girl on a bike

This card is for a little girl and I throughout this picture of a girl on her bike and some colourful flowers are the perfect combination for her. And she loves pink off course! On the inside I plan on placing a picture on the left hand side and there is space for a personal note on the right hand side.

I would like to enter these challenges:
Card and Scrap - Bruk blomster
Simon Says - Anything goes
Scribble and scraps - Anything goes
Live & Love - Pink
Papirplaneten - Rosa
Scrappehjertet - Dies
Scrappelyst - Baby/barn
Papirlosjen - Blonder

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Shabby Chic Tag

Har laget en tag i shabby chic stil en venninne som har bursdag.

Ønsker å delta i disse utfordringene: 

Creatalicious - Flower power
Creative Inspirations - Anything goes
The Paper Shelter - Shabby Chic
Dies R Us - Gift Tag
Papertake - Anything goes

Herrekort - tag i lomme

Gratulasjosnkort til en mann i ren og enkel stil. Har laget en lomme med tag i der man kan legge til en personlig hilsen.

Ønsker å delta i disse utfordringene:

North Star Stamps - Herrekort
Nordsalten Hobbyklubb -  Clean and Simple
Vintage Utfordring - Bursdagskort uten blomster
Korthobby - Alt er lov
Hobbygarasjen - Maskulint
Scandinavia Paper Fun - Herrekort

Brettekort 'Trifold Shutter Card' Baby

Mitt første brettekort av typen 'tri shutter card' ble til en liten babygutt. Har sett dette kortet blitt laget mange ganger før, men første gang jeg prøver det ut selv. Diktet som de fleste sikker har sett før er skrevet av Andre Bjerke.

For dimensjoner sjekk denne bloggen: Tutorial Trifold shutter card.

Jeg ønsker å delta i disse utfordringene:

Kreatic Scrapping - Baby
Fab'n'funky - Anything with ribbon
Card and Scrap - Bruk dies
Creative Moments - Anything goes
Inky impressions - Flowers and leaves